Whether you want to lose weight, fit into those jeans, be challenged or just get fit before that special occasion, this is the program for you! Men and women of all fitness levels, sizes and ages are gaining great results with Never Stop Playing Fitness! You can too! Are you looking for a jump start to your fitness program? Then this adventure is for you! Whether you are a beginner, an avid fitness enthusiast or just tired of the same routine, come try this whole new approach to exercise… fun!
Hello and welcome to my site! I have been involved in the fitness industry since 1984 beginning here in Charlotte with the YMCA. Yes, I did wear the colorful tights, leg warmers, cool reeboks and of course the big hair! Aerobics was the thing back in the 80’s and I was hooked. I was jumping at the chance to get certified in each new fitness modality that came along. We did step, slide, sculpt, stretch, tae bo boxing, several forms of dance, high, low and everything in between. I could see the impact that a fun workout could give to people and decided that I would take it to a more personal level and became certified as an ACE personal trainer and Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant.
I was given the opportunity to teach and train clients in many different gyms in several states as my husband was in the military. In 2000 we returned to NC to allow my three children to become North Carolinians like the generations before them. I have been a successful business owner of KNM Fitness Solutions of Matthews since 2008.
Never Stop Playing has been my slogan for many years. I truly believe that once you give up your playfulness you begin to age (both mentally and physically). Join me and use your body as it is designed to be used, it will refresh your lungs and your mindset!